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Showing posts from May, 2015


Through Perseverance

Ultimately it's up to us to learn about our world heritage, who we really are in the grand design of our universe, and how our lives may change in the future from actions of yesterday and today. The modern world needs a lot of available hands to help piece together mankind's past, to discover exactly who our ancestors were, and what they did leading up to a revolution in technology. Earth needs more archaeologists, geologists, physicists, astronomers, historians, researchers, paranormal hunters, and truth seekers to help push the boundaries of science - To think outside of accepted ideas and peer beyond habitually malformed tunnel vision. Earth requires people to pose more questions and theorize more answers, as there is much to discover about our ancient past than once believed. Life on Earth is precious, and for right now it seems like we're the only life known to exist throughout the cosmos, yet research indicates a high probability life exists elsewhere in the universe....

Through Perseverance